ParaBrahma – Lets Go to our Highest Heaven

‘GOD IS at your fingertips’

Our Divine Mother, Shri Mataji, Nobel Prize nominee, has granted the opportunity to enter God’s most subtle realms above the Sahasrara by way of Kundalini Awakening. At a very critical Time, that She has called The Last judgement, we are able to move up our attention, supported by our Kundalini, the Power of Purity, into Heaven whilst alive and incarnate, and also simultaneously in this spiritual growth, work out our many imperfections. Subjectively we are to experience Samadhi at higher levels and these states could parallel the higher chakras. She has said our Destiny is to traverse the nine chakras. Sahaja Yogis explore the possibilities in hope to complete their full Ascent.

At public programs Shri Mataji would likely steer questions away from these higher chakras. My understanding was that spiritually we must walk before we can fly. At more private times She has been more candid about our ability to make the Ascent. Pavan asked “Shri Mataji, is it really possible to achieve our Ascent in one lifetime?”

She replied “Yes of course, see how far you have come.” Pavan wasn’t feeling so close. Subsequently, without any prior discussion, She said personally: “Shri Ganesha will take you to the heart. And Hanuman will take you the rest of the way.” This made profound sense to me. Many times She has confirmed, “You must Become the Spirit”

I recognised Shri Ganesha was the foundation, who only has devotion to His Mother. Devotion is the Left side path of Bhakti, of Worship in God. I recognised that Hanuman was more on the Right side of Buddhi, and Action of Disciplined Sewa or service to God, and that usually we move from Left to Right and then Centre, as we grow up in Discerning evolving Awareness, of Becoming up into Oneness and true Non-Duality.

I understood that we should try, or at least I should, to go on growing up personally. I could sense there is both a waking up (Tree of Life) and growing up (Tree of Knowledge) as we fully Become the Spirit, or God-Self.

In that becoming, crossing the 9 chakras, we are to assume our full height in integration. Yes it must be a natural, evolutionary process, facilitated by the Holy Spirit, your Divine Mothering or Kundalini Power, however every good parent wants to see their children become fully mature, wise and strong. Shri Mataji remarked She was perhaps too much a Mother, to be a strict Guru to us. But She urged us to Become our own Guru, and She has empowered us to become One.

Vibrational discretion is real. The Paramchaitanya Cool Breeze beckons us onwards. Ultimately She brings us close to the Source where we can voluntarily Be in One. In this transformation, the ME of Mind and Ego is utilised now and integrated as the instrument of the higher “I” of your Spirit, your God-Self, in Union, in Yoga, with the Divine.

It is a great Truth that to find and become your Self, you must lose your seeming self as separated individual. This is a Path of purification, rectification, with a willingness to transcend Mind/Ego. The death or transfiguration of the separate self is a seemingly painful experience to the illusory ME. And yet it is the only way to ultimate Liberation from the nightmare of separated life.

Such a process of progressive purification and wisdom drawn from Life experience is the way of the World, where Waking Up and Growing Up are our intrinsic Purposes. As we discover and Become One within God’s Presence, we rise beyond individual self to realise Universal Spirit, our God-Self. This progressive Path is characterised by ever higher States of Maturity and Samadhi. (See Samadhi Poetry)

It was our experience to find our Kundalinis high over our heads, when with Mother in person. Incredibly Joyful, and in profound Silence, we would look at Her and feel so elevated. It occurred to this yogi that this was the supreme height we were to occupy, ongoing. Of course in front of Mother, in Her Attention, anything was possible, but in future?

In our Guru mantras we invoke Guru Brahma. Guru Vishnu. Guru Devo Maheswara. – GURU SAKSHAT PARABRAHMA. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

When we look closely at the placements of these higher Chakras we see that Valaya is the Highest Source. Pradakshina appears all surrounding and encompassing, the infinite ‘Bandhan’ or Love of God. Thus our highest must be ParaBrahma, our mysterious Source, the Non-Being, like the Great ‘Tao’, also positioned at these higher areas above our heads. When we reach up into this area our sensory experience runs out. It is the ‘Nothing’. But if we hover or touch there even momentarily with the upward flow of our Kundalini Power, the power of pure desire, our sense of Blessing is exalted, and subsequently if we have steadied there, even momentarily in non-being, we find how we have somehow become spontaneously better.

Mother spoke of how our states of Samadhi were transitioning from Nirvichara, the state of Samadhi without thought. Into Nirvikalpa Samadhi state without doubt. I have found this shift in Consciousness accompanied by a rise into higher chakras. I have also a few years ago experienced a descent of Grace that came down through the Sahasrara, down the centre, and then seemed to disperse into the top of my Void. The effects lasted for weeks, but seemed to become less obvious, more internalised. It occurred to me this descent from Valaya was the inspiration path of the great Saints and Gurus who experienced the full inspirational Grace and Guidance and Growth of “GOD IS”.

To true Mystics, who realise the Mystery of “God is One”, indeed everything IS GOD. That everything, however apparently great or awful, or Good or Bad, IS ONLY GOD. If this level of Self Realisation is realised then it must be that highest High experience. GOD IS – I AM. So everyone, and you, and everything is Divine. That Source is Nothing, but GOD IS.

Essentially, because GOD IS – I AM, and my I is God-Self, is pure eternal Spirit. So. Just to be completely clear, Source God is transcendent and immanent, universal and individual, and so everything and everyone, including me and you, is God. But yes, God Is … and has become I… and everything, and everyone else also. We experience then the Burden and Blessing of ‘apparent separation’ of being apparent ‘otherness’ or in divided duality (individual) so that you might ultimately experience voluntarily the Supreme Blissful Knowledge and Blessings of “GOD IS – I Am”. You were created to Realise GOD.

In my experience like other yogis we can see we are equipped to Raise the Kundalini. She awakens, balances, clears, deepens and She makes us Flowers in God’s Garden. Yogis first get our minimum of Samadhi, empowerment and Vibrational Awareness. By entering into thoughtless awareness we continue to wake up and grow up. Or not.

Many yogis seem content to feel the easy proximity of God’s Presence and Blessings. The two stages it seems to me must be first Yogi, and then Yukta, One in Harmony. The Humanity struggles with ‘Identification’ with transitory states of bodily being. But we all are essentially eternal, pure spiritual beings, incarnating in God’s Play. But if we forget our Self is Divine, we Ease God Out of our awareness into EGO.

In the Bible we are driven out of the Kingdom of Highest Heaven by eating the fruit. That Tree of Life is there, and also the Tree of Knowledge, of Good and Evil, and they both are within us. This fruit of Life, is being alive incarnate, is one of forgetfulness, of separation, that happens as we go out of God’s Heavenly Presence, into Duality. We are ‘in-divi-dual’ expressions of GOD-SELF that go out in forgetfulness to experience being entities living in divided duality.

In a World of Duality we exist in separation and know the knowledge of Polarity : Good and Evil. Good is positive, is conducive to Life. Evil is negative and is not conducive to Life. Except your freedom requires your experience of ‘not good’, of polarity and ramifications, of karma, choices, and the experience of individuality. ‘Every test a blessing, and every blessing a test’ says the older, wiser person.

Wisdom in the historical sense is imbibed by our culture and teachings, our dharmas, boundaries, rules and laws. The pure knowledge that can discern what is really good and what is evil, is truly Wisdom.

God does not require the entry price of total personal annihilation to enter Heaven. God has created us as separate individuals and we learn to live in Life’s Duality. God has made us in God’s Image, which is a Universal template, in individual form. Yet if God desires to Know GOD-SELF then we must Become the Spirit in God’s Image. “Spirit is the Reflection of God.”

We can draw closer to experience Presence, Awareness, Truth, Beauty. GOD-SELF. This is Becoming. We can be shifting from Worship, through Awakening, into Wisdom, into our highest Worthiness … GOD-IS-I-Am. This is the realm of the true Saints, and Great Gurus, who are literally INSPIRED.

In looking into the processes of Kundalini Awakening and progressive purification, that Shri Mother shared, we see Pure Desire finds affirmative postures and expressions for elevating Awareness. In looking at Mothers explanations of the higher Deities and Chakras we might try to extrapolate some more assertions and postures to help us reach and touch the very highest. So: I hope you find these postures and expressions of Shuda-Iccha (pure desire) awaken your Kundalini up higher, so that you might allow your self to get over your ego, and out of your mind, and enter into – GOD IS – in Pure Presence. The transcendent true Reality of Oneness (Advaita = not two) requires you – Be Still.

Your Mind and Ego will probably be uncomfortable and resist your Transcendence. Like a dog, you will need to watch and restrain your Body-Mind-Ego, to enter fully into GOD IS.

In so ‘Not-Doing’ you can enter into the more sublime state of Yukta, of Harmony – One with/in God. It’s a trans-personal Journey that you must undertake. It seeks Final Liberation. The price of entry into God-Self is everything transitory, and the paradox – you receive Nothing. But you may Become One with everything.

Touching the Transcendent. Feb 2023

We must cross the nine chakras…

How? The existential Truth that ‘All is One and One is All’ becomes your reality when you have transcended the mind and ego of me, and has raised the Kundalini to the Sahasrara and up through the Arda-Bindu of AdiShakti, and through the Bindu point of SadaShiva, and up to the level of Valaya, of ‘No-Thing’ – Source ParaBrahma.

This is the area of pre-existence where the ‘Nothing’ experiences the impulse for something ‘other,’ and the preparations for the Big Bang are made. This is the mysterious area from which the initial Impulse is Sourced. When the Kundalini is raised and the subtle body is integrated and purified, the Attention can rise all the way to Valaya, the 10th level of ParaBrahma of Source, mysterious ‘non-being’. This 10th level of ParaBrahma can be verified, by feeling the Param Chaitanya or Cool Breeze rising to full arm’s length height above the head.

The Super Conscious subtlety of this level does not involve conscious interaction, only assiduous, and sometimes arduous, clearing the subtle body and raising of the Kundalini so high.

Valaya the ‘unmanifest’ is simply the Source of IS’ness. Yet when our attention is raised to this 10th level we feel the Kundalini, our power of pure desire, has cleared and facilitated attention all the way up. That which is Nothing, then blesses with the descent of Grace and empowerment.

You may feel this movement if you are lucky, as the Descent down through the Sushumna, via the Brahma centre Nadi, until it touches your Void area. This literally is the proof that God IS. Because the blessings that come from this area are quickly manifest in the subtle and physical body and the relative world. Everything becomes evident of Reality, of Truth, and God’s Love in beautiful synchronistic blessings and joys, and Silent Presence.

These blessings are auspiciously pleasing to your God-Self because they are from the Transcendent God-Self. They are manifesting truth beauty and awareness, and so fulfil your purist desire, which ultimately is to Know your true Self. Your true God-Self. The realisation of Jesus the ultimate Yogi is only…

Christ Consciousness. “I and my Father are One.”

The realisation of this Reality is so super that it overcomes and dissolves the Maya of Separation, the idea of a separate ME. A ME of Mind and Ego, of an individual, that is in truth only a momentary manifestation, a refraction and a reflection, of the undivided transcendent Universal Light of God. Verily you are That Universal Light, as a unique individual Hue, of Divine Source Consciousness.

Stop your light of consciousness for a minute in Silence and Stillness, and Realise you are Nothing, but That Universal Self, that declares its Self … “I Am That I Am.”

God the Transcendent desires to see and recognise its Self in your apparent ‘otherness’. MahaMaya, the Power of Adi Shakti, as Three Gunas, Plays a Game of Infinite Creativity. Of apparently generating an infinite array of sentient beings in momentary separation, that are seeking their God-Self or Spirit, so that God can enjoy His/Her own God-Self, of infinite Beauty and Joy, in infinite refraction and reflection.

Each of us is a unique version of the Universal template. Made not only in the Image of the Creation but in and of the substance of the Creator, the pure Light of Universal Consciousness. Drop your misidentification with your temporary, temporal sense of individual ME identity, and rest in your eternal Spirit or God-Self. This is Liberation. Being in Non-Being.