This is a book in the making that is being prepared also to be a website www.GODIS.AU. It is dedicated to everyone who is a Seeker, of Truth, Beauty, Awareness and is interested in Helping God Realise Humanity’s Purpose.
As a consultant for 22 years, 1979-2021, I often worked at distilling ideas into training courses. Each course for me starts with a one sentence ‘Statement of Purpose’. Life Purposes I would like to distil into six ‘L’- Plate Purposes. To Live and Learn, Love and Laugh, Legacy, and Liberty, However, Liberty for me personally means to Become One within GOD. NB – This is not freedom or liberty FOR the ego, but rather freedom and liberty FROM the ego. It is the Realisation we are not the ego but we are the Spirit.
Spirit is the God-Self in you, your True Self. Ego development is part of the Evolutionary Journey, but it is not your Destiny. Your destination is your God-Self or Spirit. That which you truly are.
On the 22nd April 1983 I got to my first Self-Realisation Sahaja Yoga Program. So that is 40 years of practise of Kundalini Sahaja Yoga which has prompted me to write this book, along with a couple of near death experiences.
Two weeks after I got my initiation in Kundalini Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji gave a very in-depth talk in Mumbai about the higher chakras and the need to cross these in our Spiritual Integration and Ascent. This talk has been an important part of my desire and resolve to write this book. Link ‘Chakras above the Sahasrar’ talk 5th May 1983.
Jai Shri Mataji. Love Pavan (Paul) Keetley.