Kundalini Sahaja Yoga – a Divine Dispensation …..

I once asked my spiritual Mother, Shri Mataji, “This yoga is a dispensation, isn’t it?” I was speaking about the spiritual opportunity, which is Kundalini Sahaja Yoga and what I was referring to was the unprecedented opportunity to grow spiritually. So let’s start with what my dictionary says this word dispensation really means….. because dispensation has actually three distinctly different dictionary meanings 1 – 2 – 3 :

1 – exemption from a rule or usual requirement

There is now an opportunity for a dispensation, from the previously understood pre-requisites of the great religious and spiritual practices, to get your experience without requiring any difficult preparation or practices. (try the 5 minute guided meditation sequence below.)

Of course one’s karmas and predispositions of personality are still one’s own, however these are things that are suspended and transcended so we can enter into the realm of Union with the divine Presence.

2 – a social political or religious system prevailing at a particular time

There is now begun a pre-determined particular time in history as promised, a Golden Age of Enlightenment, where a system for the en-masse Awakening and Self-Realisation of Humanity is available. This new era and methodology and understanding is a uniquely Divine system of Self Knowledge featuring a direct and pure awareness of our Subtle Body.

3 – the action of distributing or supplying something

There is now a period when the action of distributing or supplying of this spontaneous divine Self-Realisation, with Kundalini Sahaja Yoga, is now easy and given freely to everybody, requiring no payment or pre-prescribed views. One only requires a humble and open attitude to receive this spontaneous experience which reveals one’s own subtle body and this gives you perfect understanding and individual guidance from your own Spirit.

To ‘Know Thy Self’ is the requirement if one is to become your own guide, your own teacher, your own Guru. To aspire to make your spiritual Ascent you must first have the Spirit in your awareness – and with clearing, balancing and personal growth your awareness becomes more integrated and evolved. Ultimately you establish and can become doubtlessly aware of your core identity, as we become One, with Source. This is the ultimate goal of Kundalini Yoga. It begins with the Self Realisation sequence of ascending affirmations…