So withdraw all your senses, close the nine gates, Be inside,
Witness the mind from Silence, let your Sky be open wide

Let the Light of God that shines now, be steady, bright and true
Let the Knower and the Knowing distil as One in you

For there is no Self but Thy Self, There is Truly just one I
There is only just One Ego, our petty ones must die

Truly this learning, life, excursion, incarnation here on Earth,
Is just to find and to Become, our true Self through rebirth,

And in birth and death and passing, our little ego i
Falls away, reveals the Glory, of the One, Eternal I

Beyond this body, mind and soul, Be the Spirit, become Free
Be the Yogi, Become Yukta, One in God ~ Divinity.

The I that has become you, is That ‘I’, that’s always been
And know now that your God~Self, is the Seer and the Seen.