Sahaja Samadhi comes by its Self,
Its in Silence that we grow
Kundalini traverses the nine Chakras,
untroubled high and low

Spaciousness, beyond birth and death,
is the Source of all our Being
From That Height which is Valaya,
ParaBrahma ~ Formless, Seeing

Distils the One ~ Point Consciousness ~
there’s only Shiva’s “I”
Shiva’s Power is Shakti Ma ~
by Her, all things, done by

All by Her Dance, this Play, Leela,
by Her all things are made,
Yet all and every single one
is with “I Am” inlaid,

So every “I” that ever was,
is just One I, reflected
And every one that seeks True Self,
finds only One detected

Yes this One, Who Is, All-Seeing,
God-Self, cannot be seen,
God-Self is empty, open, wide –
Awareness, Ever – Freeing

Yes our True Source IS – Transcendent,
Mysterious, Non-Being
This makes God-Self pure Consciousness,
so He Becomes, All-Seeing

Yet simultaneously He Desires,
Her-Selves, into Infinity
And SHE in turn projects through Maya,
Her Power Plays out in Trinity.

And so the Dance of Shiva,
and the Play of Shakti Ma
Are the Source of All, GOD IS, we know,
All things, both near and far,

And this Playful Dance goes on and on,
forever and a Day
Joyful Recreation, to know GOD-SELF,
Our Purpose and Our Way

And surrounding This, containing All,
is Pradakshina Ω, God’s Love
That penetrates and permeates,
all pervading, round, above,

Precursor and substratum,
of everything God’s made,
of transcendence, and of immanence,
Its only Love has Played

So this Formless, Spacious, Suchness,
from which all this has Sprung
Is the Empty, Silent, Soundless, Knell
~ Listen ~ Love’s Bell Is Rung.