In innocence lies our support
with wisdom too our brother,
Whilst just above, coils of pure love,
abides our Holy Mother.

When pure desire to take us higher
calls Her to evolution
Then movement starts, towards our hearts
spirals in revolution.

So first must ask, most Holy task
for knowledge pure and true
The Way to see, become and be
begins as we find You.

And so we grow,
begin to go
across the Void with You
Encounter storms,
master the norms
we sail with our Guru.

Until at last,
through tempest’s blast
we reach that farthest shore
Heart’s Peace secures, Dharma endures,
and Joy flows evermore.

Oh blissful flight, aflame in Light
We soar, heart’s wings afire
Still up above, we find the Dove
She’s come to take us higher.

My God did You, see such a view
we see the whole Virata
We see the Play, of Night and Day
This Dance of Holy Mata.

Now through the Door, we pass in awe
to blend with Christ in Oneness
We see that He, humility
is Light, that now becomes us.

To take our Seat,
Her Lotus Feet,
we prostrate low before Them
Her Holy Powers
have made us Flowers
She offers up before Him.

We are Flowers
in the Garden
of Her Holy Sahasrara
Created by the Shakti,
In Sada Shiv Puja.