The 8 sliced Whole Person holistic model works well for self-assessment and personal life planning, and can be used as a prelude for personal holistic life-planning before people collectively co-created organisation strategic planning. At any crossroads in life one can self-assess using these 8 slices on a scale of one to ten, and get a picture of how you are going. The Wheel of Life model requires Balance of course and so only a relatively even score on all slices will prove sustainable. Inner health is prerequisite, so don’t end up the richest person in the hospital, or on your own at holidays. You get the idea.

In corporate, educational, religious and secular environments there is a growing understanding of the Universal Nature of our innate natural Intelligences. As a secular consultant its good to see that almost everybody can understand the 4 Intelligence Quotients that relate to the 4 inner slices, namely PQ, IQ, EQ, and SQ. And that these are all always present in each of us but may not be a high priority or rating. PQ- Physical Intelligence Quotient may be high for athletic, hands-on or Driver/Sensor style people. IQ- Intellectual Intelligence Quotient may be higher with Analytical/Thinker types. EQ- Emotional Intelligence Quotient  is relatively new in has been a very popular subject in HR for decades and usually higher in Amiable/Feeler types. (See Daniel Goleman re EQ.)

SQ- Spiritual Intelligence Quotient is relatively new because religious participation is often felt to be virtually the same as Spiritual Intelligence, however this is often not the case because the precepts in religion whilst laudable are sometimes not ‘realised’, made functional in religious participants. True saints will often recognise divinity in other saints in different religions, and even ‘sinners’ because of their qualities. SQ is a measure that is actually about levels of operating behaviour and awareness. What we are, and do, speaks more loudly than what we say. We may be well versed in truisms, and not very high in God-Self or Spirit Realisation. 

We all have a Mind and Ego or “ME” operating system for conducting ourselves in the World. With awareness we see our ego react and mind respond to situations. Depending on our Type/Style and Ego/Mind development maturity we react in different ways unconsciously. As we become more Spiritually Intelligent  we witness more and begin noticing when Ego/Mind are triggering. We observe ego in operation, we recognise triggers in our minds, we sense, feel, and hear our conscience and our Consciousness, the voices of our Spiritual or Higher Self. Ultimately we find Self-Esteem, Self-Actualisation and Self-Transcendence in Being of Service to something ‘bigger’, more than our ego, and something more Spiritual, Ethical, Purposeful. This begins with the externals of Family, Social, Career or Worldly concerns where we expand our sense of self to include an other or others. You might like to recognise that Love is the expansion of your sense of Self to include others. Simply put to “Love God and Love Humanity”. But the question remains “How?”

The Whole Person map reiterates we have an Inner life of 4 slices and also an Outer life.  We are required to be Self-Aware and develop Self-Mastery. SQ is about firstly intrinsic awareness and mastery and then being in the World as a spiritually aware and mature personality, that can contribute to Humanity with Presence, Wisdom and Compassion.  When we look at the Whole Person we can see ways to develop and sustain our Inner Peace and Self-Mastery.  We can Breathe Consciously, be Positive Intellectually, be Open Hearted, and Be Aware in your  Spiritual Flow-State of Thoughtless Awareness, which is true Yoga-Meditation within your Divine Presence, or God-Self. or Spirit.