Param Chaitanya is the Power of God’s Love, that now you can feel.
Have you ever heard of “The Cool Wind of the Holy Spirit”?
We are on an evolutionary Journey to Realise our God-Self is pure Eternal Spirit. This spiritual Reality is the fulfilment and transcendent integration of the religions of the World who may be realised as branches on the One Tree of Life. We are now to enter God’s most subtle realms above Sahasra because of Kundalini Awakening which brings with it a new Vibrational awareness. Paramchaitanya gives you real-time discretionary discernments that empower you to Know The Truth on your central nervous system. The Paramchaitanya Cool Breeze beckons us onwards and upwards through our evolutionary process, facilitated by the Holy Spirit and driven by the Pure Desire to Know and draw closer to God.
Subjectively we are to experience Samadhi at higher levels and these states parallel the higher chakras. Shri Mataji confirms our Destiny is to traverse the nine chakras in our spiritual Ascent. Ultimately this brings us close to the Source where we can voluntarily draw closer to and merge in One. In that becoming, crossing the 9 chakras, we are to assume our transformation and achieve our Destiny.
It is a great truth that to find your Self, you must lose yourself as separated individual. This is the Path of purification, rectification and requires the willingness to transcend your Mind/Ego. or ME. The death or stripping or transfiguration of the ‘fearful self’ is a painful experience to illusory ME. And yet it is the only way to ultimate Liberation from the nightmare of apparently separated life.
Such a process of progressive purification and becoming wiser is drawn from Life experience and is the way of the World, where Waking Up and Growing Up are our intrinsic Purposes. As we discover and Become One within God-Self, we lose little fearful self, to Become the Spirit. This progressive Path is characterised by ever higher States of Maturity and Samadhi.
To true Mystics, who realise the Mystery of God is One, indeed everything IS GOD. That everything, however apparently great or awful, or Good or Bad, IS ONLY GOD. When this level of Realisation is realised then its the highest High. “GOD IS ~ I AM”
Yogis first get our minimum of simple thought-free Samadhi, empowerment and Vibrational Awareness. Enlightened awareness is guided by the Cool Breeze of Holy Spirit, Param Chitanya. God does not require the entry price of total personal annihilation to enter Heaven. God has created us as separate individuals and so we learn to live in Life’s Duality. We can draw closer to experience Presence, Truth, Beauty, Awareness, GOD-SELF or Spirit.
Yet if God desires to Know GOD-SELF then we must Become Spirit in God’s Image. This is Becoming. We can be shifting from Worship, through Wisdom, into GOD-IS. This is the realm of the true Saints, and Great Gurus, who are literally INSPIRED.
We are transforming from an individual identification into Universal Identification. The transcendent true Nature of Oneness (Advaita = not two) requires you Be Still. Your Mind and Ego will certainly be uncomfortable and fight your Transcendence. Like a dog, you will need to restrain, integrate and transcend, the Body-Mind-Ego, to enter fully into GOD IS. It’s a trans-personal Journey that you must undertake, that gives Final Liberation.
The Way of Spiritual Ascent is created by the Power of God’s Love or Param Chaitanya. Auspiciousness, that which is ‘Pleasing to God’ is determined by it’s ‘Cool Breeze’. Param Chitanya will help you really Know and do the Will Of God. Amen.