Pavan says “First I am to share a few things.
There is only one Truth and That is … GOD IS”.
This one truth is understood, appreciated and realised at many levels and from many perspectives. This book is about that.
If we ask most Human Beings “WHO are you?” they will answer “I AM….” and fill out their answers from there.
If we ask you however “WHAT are you?” that may evoke a different type of answer.
I am a disciple of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and In this life I practise and share Kundalini Sahaja Yoga Meditation. This book is a personal account and is a personal perspective. It is self-authored and self-approved only and may prove a stretch for some people.
One of the qualities I admire in others is that, as an old friend Brian would say, that you should “be your own man” or as Shri Mataji would say pointedly that “you must become your own Guru”. Of course our ego and mind are quite good at “posing as the Guru”. To transcend this situation, one must find an actual connection with your transcendent God-Self, Atman or Spirit. And then surrender your lower self to your God-Self in order to “Know Your Self” and to know and do Gods Will. God’s Will is that you should Know your own God-Self which entails a progressive spiritual ascent.
I would like to recommend here that you sincerely try, or retry, the basic introductory technique Sahaja Kundalini yoga meditation before reading on. Why? Because it may be convoluted for you to begin this book without you first receiving your Kundalini Sahaja Yoga Self Realisation introduction. This simple exercise can ensure that you have some terms of reference for all that is shared in this book, which is dedicated to my teacher, my Guru, and our Divine Mother. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. (
In sharing my story I should say do not take my Seeking path as any sort of recommendation. I by Luck, Karma, Forgiveness and Grace have dabbled in some potentially dangerous things without getting very harmed, and yet family, friends, seekers and other yogis I know personally have been terribly damaged by indulgence in these same things, and in particular by drugs which today are even more extremely dangerous in comparison to the 60s and 70s. These experiential deviations may have seemed to offer little windows of increased and momentary perception, but I assure you they are not sustainable Doors to the Divine.
Shri Mataji began a momentous process of enmasse spiritual awakening in 1970 and the levels of knowledge and experience within Kundalini Sahaja Yoga are unprecedented in ANY other spiritual practices that you might likely find. Not that any or all other religious, spiritual, philosophical, scientific or cultural teachings are not useful. All true knowledge is useful, and there are many versions of the Truth, especially by Realised Souls, Saints and Divine Incarnations. However the experience of Kundalini awakening, with entry into the new Vibratory God-Self-Awareness is the ultimate and timeless Spirituality, which affords entry into the highest realms of spiritual experience and enlightened discernment, as to what is true. You should know Truth for your self, on your own central nervous system. And this your opportunity.
And so whatever you now know, or think you know, or believe or understand, you might put it to one side for a just a while and again I will recommend that you start here with the Sahaja Kundalini Yoga guided meditation technique first. The procedure to awaken to your innate Spirituality begins with a series of positive affirmations that state “I Am”. This is not about your body, mind and ego. It is about your Spirit, your Truth, your God-Self. That which you can realise and actualise, that you truly and undoubtedly are. YOU ARE ~ GOD IS.