Preface – Tale of Two Brothers
Siblings don’t always get on. I was speaking with my brother, Kent. I love him but its not always been easy.
I told him“I’m going to India” He asked me “Why?” – I said “I’m searching to find God.”
He retorted – “I didn’t know He was lost!” I said “He’s not lost, I am.”
It was a pivotal time for me and somehow my answer also spoke to him at that moment. Ever since then we’ve become much closer. His subsequent journey includes 12-Step Programs, and he has become a friend, facilitator and mentor for many. Kent wrote me recently (2021)…
“When I’m sharing my story I often share how your response to my question was a catalyst for my seeking. When I asked you why you were going to India you said to search for God. Me being a ‘smart arse’ said I didn’t know he was lost and you said He’s not, but I am. The next thing you did was give me the book Supernature by Lyall Watson. That sequence of events changed my life. Thank you my brother”.
A few years later, I got to stay at Shri Mataji’s house in Kensington LON. One night, alone, I came across the same book there on a book shelf. She had referenced it in a speech, when speaking about the life sustaining powers of pyramids. By then, as it turned out, my brother Kent had made me an accurate Giza design wood frame meditation pyramid, that I used a lot just before getting my Kundalini Sahaja Yoga awakening. God finds ways to speak to us when we’re open and ready. My recommendation to you Dear Reader is NOT to read this book, unless you are ready to admit the possibility that GOD IS, and that His-Her Reflection, or God-Self, or Holy Spirit is in you, and at the very core, is you. Pure eternal Consciousness.
The very essence of you, your “I”, IS PURE AWARENESS, IT IS YOUR ATMA. BUT AS A HUMAN BEING YOU ARE A JIVA-ATMAN. INDIVIDUAL SOUL AND UNIVERSAL SPIRIT. We can Realise our Spirit, our God-Self, as we grow and evolve in Spirituality, which is a progressive journey of vertical ASCENT.
Your I is Universal. Your ME is Mind and Ego. Your Body is a vehicle, you inhabit as you explore and grow. You HAVE a Body – Mind – Ego. But truly you ARE the SPIRIT. If you do not have your Spirit fully in your awareness, you are “un-realised’ an evolutionary ‘work in progress’. This book is about spiritual Self-Realisation. The stages in your Ascent and the states of progressive integration and transcendence.