The stages in the Ascent parallel, over time, the higher chakras, deities and qualities. – Agnya, Sahasrara, ArdaBindu, Bindu, and Valaya, parallel the high stages and Samadhis in Ascent, so – Shri Jesus Mary at Agnya, Shri Mataji at Sahasrara, Shri AdiShakti at ArdaBindu, Shri SadaShiva at Bindu, and ParaBrahma at Valaya or 10th chakra level, the Mysterious Source.
On the 14th Sahasrara Day in 1983, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi enumerated fourteen chakras. “After coming to Sahaja Yoga and after your Sahasrara has opened, you have to pass through these four chakras: Ardha-Bindu, Bindu, Valaya and Pradakshina. After passing through these four chakras only, can you say that you have become a Sahaja Yogi.”
So what are some qualities of a Sahaja Yogi? The A’s include : Awakened Kundalini, Awareness vibrations, Acceptance of God’s Will, Achieving higher Samadhis, Activating others self-realisation, Actualising qualities of Deities Chakras, Ascending across nine chakras, Attaining communion, harmony and union with God, and Advaita – the Sahaja State of non-duality.
“You have become Collective Consciousness, which is awakened within you. In Sahaja Yoga it is the power of Consciousness Bliss. You have understood all these, but you should experience them. You should have steady mind and surrendering your heart, and become free from the illusion. These are My Blessings. Ever yours, Mother Nirmala”
Those who worship the Imperishable, the Infinite, the Transcendent unmanifested, the Omnipresent the Beyond all thought, the Immutable, the Neverchanging, the Ever One. Who have all the powers of their soul in harmony, and the same loving mind for all. – they reach in truth my very Self. But greater is the toil of those whose minds are set on the Transcendent.
God the transcendent mystery ParaBrahma stirs into manifestation, the Consciousness of SadaShiva and the Creative three Gunas from AdiShakti, expand to generate the Divine Dance of Creation, including us, all dimensions and the entire Reality as we know it, which includes the Desire, Drive and Drama of the ongoing Infinite Recreation or Play and Maya, of I AM That.