GOD IS – this icon is a personal illustration of the Source and dimensionality of the GODHEAD. It arose with the resolution by the author of this book’s name – GOD IS – At Your Fingertips.
The Title is self explanatory and will become Dear Reader, self-evident, I trust. The icon proceeded from my creatively playing with the letters G-O-D. The G is about the pure desire (Left Side in us) to Generate and manifest, that would include the Involution creatively down from the Transcendent Mysterious Source, through the subtle into the gross manifestation of matter, like the carbon element, the basic building block (Right Side in us). The O is the Zero Point of Source Non-being which gives rise to Original Oneness or the Absolute of Source Consciousness, which is both transcendent and immanent, and upon reflection appears to be the Only ‘thing’ that appears to exist. Paradoxically, this Absolute Source Consciousness appears to precede and contain all existence, and bliss. The D of creative Drive for Dimensionality includes all that manifests within Dimensionality, including us.
These three qualities Sat or ‘IS’ness, and Chit or Awareness/Attention, and Ananda or Bliss/Joy, are the three qualities we might use to describe the three Emanating Qualities, and Powers, of GOD the Absolute. When Moses, the incarnate Adi Guru, before the Burning Tree Of Life, asks GOD, who shall I say You are, that has sent me? GOD answers simply “I AM That I AM”… This answer informs us that… everything is God. That all that has existence or ‘ISness’ is God. And indeed the entire Matrix of Space-Time and Matter-Energy, all the Dimensions, are GOD. So we can say: GOD IS, the Generator, O Zero, and Driver of everything.
In plumbing the depths and heights of Infinite Source Consciousness, the essence of this may be intelligible to you as the term “I”. If I ask you who is reading, sensing, thinking, cognising and experiencing, no doubt you will answer “I Am“. The most profound question then is “Who Am I?” Or perhaps more to the point “What Am I?” It is the ‘AMness’ of the question or thought or answer that provides a context or meaning. But the “I” precedes, comes before, all questions, answers, ideas observations. I precedes AMness. Shiva Source Consciousness precedes Shakti Source Creativity.
The I stands alone. And so it is with God. The Pure Consciousness precedes and contains everything. The I of Shiva or Christ Consciousness in Humans, stands alone. Its not until the I … desires … that anything becomes manifest. And then – What or Who is the Source Energy or Desire Power of Omnipotent God? Who or what is doing all the Work of Absolute Manifestation? That primordial Source of all Powers, is the S of Shakti, of God’s Power. That I of God’s Shiva Consciousness is literally ‘married’ to God’s Power or Shakti. The traditional saying in Indian and all true mystic Spirituality is that “There is no Shiva without Shakti. No Shakti without Shiva”.
In our icon, from the Bindhu, the dot, or Source Zero Shiv Point of Consciousness or ‘I’ness, is the dot on the i. The ‘S’ness of Shakti, extends and expands in all directions and co-creates the Circles or Universes of God’s influence and intelligence, in a Synergy of ‘IS’ness, that is simultaneously Omniescent, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. All Knowing, All Powerful and Always Present…. And Always in Flux of Change.
When God the I moves in Absolute Manifestation or ‘AM’ness, He is the Witness Shiva, (the Spectator, Allah, Jehovah, Parameshwara, Purusha, etc) and She is the Worker Shakti. The primordial or Source of all Shakti is the AdiShakti. She has the Primordial Source Power to generate “Maya”, or the Divine Dance of Creation, including the entire Reality as we know it, which includes the Desire, Dimensions and Drama of the Infinite Ongoing Recreation, or Play.
This infinite Play or Divine Dance is the Work of the AdiShakti, or Mother, for the Blissful entertainment and Beautiful enjoyment of the Witness who is SadaShiva, or Father. We the created, evolving, Human Beings are God’s Children, made not only in the Image of God, but in the substance, evolving energy and consciousness of God.
Our sense of Self at the core and highest is pure Consciousness, or God-Self. To help you Realise that Reality, of God-Self, to help you make your spiritual Ascent, and to become united, enlightened and liberated, with your eternal Spirit, or GOD-SELF is the purpose of this book.
God Is, at your fingertips. You will Realise this when your Kundalini is awakened because you receive a new vibrational awareness and empowerment, and with practise, your evolutionary journey will take you across the nine chakras to Touch The Transcendent. This is your Destiny. YOU ARE ~ GOD IS