There is Beauty in the Storm

The Great Cloud of Unknowing, The Mysterious Source of All

Felt no point and no existence, Spoke no Word, nor heard a call

Transcendent, Unmanifest, Zero, Beyond both Space and Time

No I, or IS, or thing therein, Unconscious, the Divine

This Great Cloud of Unknowing, Sensed and knew that It knew not

And in this Knowing felt Its Self and from Unknowing distilled the Dot

Now the Dot was something separate, It was Consciousness alone,

But in Knowing its Self as something, Knew it was lonely on Its own

From the Source Cloud Unmanifest, Was distilled the first Drop of Knowing

And this Drop, that was now Conscious, Felt the Emptiness, within, growing

To Be the Knower and have no Known was a Vacuum in that Knowing

So the One Drop of all Consciousness felt the First Pull within was growing

Yes the One Drop was all Knowing, Yet there was no thing to be known

And so Desire for something ‘other’ began to Swell and Groan

And the One Drop felt Its Power that sprang forth in Pure Desire

Released ~ a Graceful Curve, an Arch, it was, Transcendent, Higher

And the Drop felt Joy and Rapture for this Curve was Perfect Form

And the Knower was then Knowing, There is Beauty in the Storm

Now the Point of All was Knowing the Arch of Pure Desire

And the Arch had made a Circle, two halves of Lower, Higher

So the Monad was the Knower and the Circle was the Known

And by the Power of Pure Desire the Graceful Curves had grown

And the Circle of Pure Awareness, Felt the Expansion of Pure Love

Saw its Self was Now all around, felt the Joy expand, Above

And the Joy of Pure Existence Spake ~ the great Ecstasy of Aum

As the Circle broke in many Multiplied, an Infinite sum

And the Aum was pure Existence, no thought that could defile

The Innocence of Light was there as It measured out the Smile

The Great Curve of Creation was made to Dance and Sing

Its Work was Now to Create, a Universe ~ Everything

And so three curves of Change began in Infinite Multiplicity

And two Curves of Evolution led up in Synchronicity

Thus the Knower and the Knowing were put in everything

And Consciousness too was changing, Evolving Life did bring

Subtle higher States of Being, Multiplicity moving up to One

So each Knower knows their Origin and the Source knows every Son

And the little bird of Spirit Sings ~ Eternal Ecstasy

Every Heart will learn and know this Song as it returns to Be

And so we ride the Waves of Change as we grow, and we transform

We See, we Are, at One with All, and there’s Beauty in the Storm