The first stage Nirvichara is just to be thought free
So just be present here and now, and see what you will see.
There is no effort in this state, just watching your attention,
We see its running here and there in mind and sense dimension.
If need be, now breath consciously, if no need, then breathe slow
Be quiet in this Silence, now, just see, accept, let go.
Now settled in attention we begin the Greatest Quest
We ask the Power of Pure Desire, our Mother, we request
“Our Mother coiled within us, in Your sacred Kumbah there,
You made us and evolved us, forever in Your care,
Please rise now, take attention, within Your Font of blissful Love
With Your Cool Wind, Holy Spirit, let us fly now, high above”
In Heaven’s Realms we enter, Christ opened up the Door,
He made the Pathway Open, to do God’s Will for sure
His pure desire, surrender, and His Love for God and Man
Empowered Him through sacrifice to fulfil all in God’s plan.
And so He is, Christ Consciousness, at that Narrow Door
In Humility and Forgiveness we can pass for evermore
We too can be the Sons of God, we too be born again,
We realise our Self is Light, and Grace falls down like rain.
That Light in our awareness, now discerns in all we see,
In us, Love, Joy, Compassion, True Self, identity,
Love’s Light is growing brighter, as our Kalpas fall away
Sarvikalpa is not quite free yet, from the dramas in Love’s Play.
We stand with one foot in two Worlds, we bridge above below,
One foot in Heaven, one on Earth, not carefree, yet we know
That the Kingdom on Earth is dawning, wherein we will abide,
In doubtless Nirvikalpa – the darkness cannot hide.
And so we work, good Karma, we bring Light to all,
We share Self Realisation, restores us from the Fall.
She raises us beyond our past, dissolving us in Love.
She is Shri Adi Shakti Ma, She is Integrity, above.
The Play of Shiva’s I’ness, and His Power ~ Adi Shakti
We see Her Dance ~ TriGuna, three Powers in Play, we see
And He Watches and Enjoys Her, as the One, Two becomes Three
His Consciousness and Pure Desire, Creates, Causality
Yes Consciousness, the I That IS, informs, creates, each One
And every One, is only “I”, by MahaMaya, this is done :
Infinite, fantastic and phenomenal, these multiple Universes,
Yet all these forms and changes are His Shakti ~ She disperses.
We can know we are that Shiva, and His Sat and Chit, Ananda,
Reality, God-Self, True Spirit says.. to your ego, do not pander.
Be One in Presence here and now, and watch your mind and ego
Just Be eternal, silent, witness – keep high up here in Flow.
So here we stay and here we know. We are One Self, abiding
This Drop is always just Ocean, the One in all residing
This Spirit, Spark, Eternal, the Consciousness of you
Is only One, your I’ness, and in Truth cannot be two
So plumb the Depths of I’ness… this I did not begin
To see your self as other, is false ego, and a sin.
Your body, soul and mind-ego? These disappear from view
But your I that is in Presence, is eternal, ever new.
So how Become this I?… Just BE – there truly is no other!
Let Her the Para Shakti ~ Dance. She IS, your Holy Mother
She connects you and She clears you, She makes you One in God
She dissolves all your imbalances, and cleans away the sod
She takes you in Her own Self, then you’ll in Heaven Be
Until at last She will dissolve all the separateness you see.
Then in a flash of Seeing, your doubts all drop away,
Then you are One and doubtless, pure Consciousness you stay.
Now this I, that has no other, is your One and only you
You have no limitations now. Everything is Now in You.
You are the I of Shiva, watching the Play of Shakti Ma ~
You are Eternal Witness in that state Nirvikalpa.
And every passing moment IS ~ only Re-Creation
I Am the Field, Existence, I Am the Observation
All Energy and Matter, in Time – Space, all we see
All sentience and beings, are all branches of the Tree
This I that is Perception, is the Source of Love and Bliss
For when your eye is Single, there is no more than This
You exist now into all forms, at all the levels nine,
You know that all and everything is your Self and is Divine
Yet your I is Still, the Witness, and your I contains the Play
And you Enjoy your own Self, as you manifest each Day
And this Joy is Your fulfilment, and Your Love-Light all surrounds
This Presence is your God – Self, in One there are no bounds
Sahaja is within you, and Samadhi is just Still
And when you know your One in God, you know and do His Will
You know God’s Self is in all forms, God’s Play is Light and Dark
Gods gift is One in separateness, so God’s Drama can be stark
God Knows, we’re all Eternal, we are returning as the Light,
Yet know in Truth we always were, just growing through the Night
And all these states of separateness, as the One becomes each being
Its just Her Play, Creation, for His Joy is in the Seeing.
So He and She, Eternal, Play their Game of Hide and Seek,
The Source Non-Being, becomes God-Self, our Spirit is that Peak
At last the valency is Ten, the Nine plus Source, who Frees
We are Her World, and Garden. She is Watering us, Her Trees.