God is.

God is. I am. You are. Amen. The Reality IS God

God is the Light. The Truth. The Word, and this Earthen sod

God is. I am. The Chit. Your Consciousness, of I.

Eternal Spark, and Drop. That IS – and can never die.

God IS the ever-growing Expansion, That we call God’s Love

Surrounds and grows the Universes, the Infinite Sky above

God IS the Generator and the Source, of our Pure Desire,

The Fire of Life that drives us all, forever, we fly Higher

God IS the One who Seeks, and Finds, and God only Knows

The Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge, Polarity, forever grows.

God IS the Left, the Centre and the Right.

The Play, the Dance, the Drama, the Day and Night.

God sings the AUM, the Nadis, these Three are All in One

The Mother Earth, our Sister Moon and our Father, Sun.

God IS Sat Truth, Chitta Attention, and Ananda is the Joy,

The Source and IS of Innocence, in every girl and boy.

God IS the Matrix of Time-Space, Energy and Matter.

The All and IS of every thing, is only Big Bang Splatter.

God IS the Maha Maya, the apparent separateness of ‘Other’

The Great Illusion. The Mystery. The Universal Mother.

God IS the great Transcendent Source, and also Immanent Force

GOD IS The SELF, in every one, and GOD IS YOU, of Course.