I am the Seer that is all seeing
I am the Source that creates all being
I am the Waking, Dream and the Sleep
I am all the dimensions, infinite, Deep
I am the Transcendent, unmanifest, none
I am the Infinity of Creation, all in One
I am That that lies beyond and within
I am Eternal, without end, or begin
I am the Roar of cascading Time
I am That Silence that is No-mind
I am the manifestation, everything
I am the Source of all and yet no thing
I am the Knower of everything known
I am the Seed in all things sown
I am the background, behind creation
I am the Is’ness of all without cessation
I am the Dancer, and I am the Play
I am the Night and I am the Day
I am the Maya and the Gunas three
I am All that is, or appears to be
I am the Seer that cannot be seen
I am everything that’s ever been
I am that I am ~ both Witness and Drama
And I am the Mysterious Source of Brahma