One can only Wonder at this Universe Divine
One can only Witness…. the Spirit, yours and mine
From far beyond a concept – Thy Freedom did distil
To Manifest Thy Bindhu – the Point of Divine Will
This Point, that has no other, felt the pull of Pure
Desire did manifest Your Power – The Dance – Oh Mahamaya!
And then the Great Explosion* spake The Multiplicity
Wherein a myriad Beings – by Grace Adi Shakti
One can know Valaya, from whence this All has come
Yet one can only wonder … Thy Mystery, how done?
That One’s become the Many by Grace of Mahamaya
That You and I are both One, the One of Pure Desire
And so Thy Breath has made us,
in the Image of our Source
And by Thy Power of Pure Desire
we can Divine our Course
For this Light, that is our One Self,
is both Source and Destiny
And this Journey we are making,
leads us only back to Thee.