We have a blind spot called Pride
That takes us off for a ride
Its so big we inflate
We think we’re so great
It causes our Hearts to hide.

We have a blind spot called Anger
With repercussions of danger
It makes us see red
It heats up our head
And ruins the Joy of our Sangha

We have a blind spot called Lust
That causes Attention to rust
At each bump and curve
It looks twice, to perve
Exchanging our Gold for dust

We have a blind spot called Envy
That resembles a fever from Denghi
Each time that we spot
Something nice that they’ve got
It whips our Peace into frenzy

We have a blind spot called Greed
That’s based on the Maya of need
Every time that we score
It thinks I want more
Thus causing our Soul to bleed

We have a blind spot called Sloth
It calls like a flame to a moth
From work we retreat
Life’s goals we defeat
It covers our Love like a cloth*

I have a blind spot called Gluttony
Its enlarging the size of the gut on me
I’ve now grown so big
I resemble a fig
And my Guru Tattwa can not button me.

* Work is Love made visible. Kahlil Gibran