The body, mind and soul say ‘we are surely individual’
Yet Eternal Spirit knows that we are truly Universal

We realise, forever, all these forms must pass away
Its only pure Awareness, Source Consciousness, will stay,

And what is it, your consciousness? That seems to be your I,
For every night, and every life, small i seems it must die

So every night, and every life, we yield our selves to Sleep
Yet somehow too we also know, we’re Safe in Depths so Deep

The Bard did say that “Sleep knits up, the ravelled sleeve of cares”
Shri Needra, Mystic God of Sleep, rebuilds us and repairs

So is this Sleep, this little Death, this Needra, true Samadhi?
Where we transcend, give up, and go, beyond our mind and body?

Truth is we never were just this, just mortals, coiled in drama
Forever You are, I Am, God-Self, Pure Spirit, beyond karma