Be Here Now – Just See ~ The Play

Beyond Eternity – Space – Time – Dimension

Mysterious Source – beyond comprehension

Distils from Zero – The great Tao- of Non-being

God’s Pure Desire, for Otherness – Seeing

The Divine Impulse desires Infinity

From this, expansion, innumerable entity

Coalesced from Source, down through Involution,

Innumerable Emissaries, rise up in Evolution

Each One, with their own Cosmology

Traverses the Chakras and the Astrology

They Mirror both, the Source, and Destination

Are made in the Image, of the Whole Creation

Each Soul is empowered to go on out

Each one, to Journey, to learn about

Being incarnate in divided duality

Both part and parcel, Universality

Each one predestined to return to Source

Each Individual must find their course

Each One a Reflection, of the One

Each a God Daughter, and each a God Son

And in their Journey, the Play and Drama

Desire, deed, debt, plays out in Karma

Each one, eternal Spark, within,

Enclosed by experience, your Spirit, within

Through ever-changing Worlds, in Life

Through ceaseless trials, of strain and strife

Until one day we cry Enough! 

The pain of Separation is just too much. 

My God!  Have you forsaken me.?

For I am lost – where can You be?

Transcendent – never to be known?

For what, my purpose?  Why was I grown?

Silence answers… I AM HERE NOW WITH YOU

I never left, and nor did you

You dreamed you were lost, and on your own

Yet this, in Truth, is how you’ve grown

You are the author of your own dreams

You journeyed far, or so it seems,

But now your ready, My Daughter Son

No longer prodigal – Be Home – Be One

The Dream of Separation was to realize true Self


You required a mind, to journey so far

But mind and ego, are not what you are

Transcend these two – your mind and ego

Separation Now stops  – let these both go

You never were your story, those dreams and trips

Everything you put on – from you – Now slips

Let all your imagined encumbrances fall

There’s only Now – True “I” – IS ALL

You are just this Presence – not this, not that

You are Divine – and that is That

So allow dissolution of this ME

Mind, body, ego and duality

Just be Here, Now, as simply “I”

All this is you, land, sea and sky

Eternal – You can never die

GOD IS – I AM – I KNOW … I sigh

The fetters fall, just “I” remains

Now Paradise birds sing sweet refrains

Now Here – I AM – and here I stay

No separation – or need to pray

No me, anxiety, and no distress

Gods Will Be Done – now I confess

I was only partly awake as “me” 

A sleep, a part, a dream – fantasy 

No ultimate truths in these can be


I see we are God’s Emissary

We all journey out, to Become, and Be

Pure Spirit, Reflection, Divinity

The perfect Mirrors for God to See

But then to Realise – it’s just Her Play

I always was – through Night and Day

Awaken Now Rosebuds and Flower!

Be One – I AM – in Silent Power

All things arise in Presence – Now

Everything IS Consciousness – somehow

A non-being, and yet both One, and Two

No longer ‘me’, in God, are you

Embrace this Day, it’s all for You

Just don’t get lost, forget what’s True…

Your Mind has a story, and your Ego a self,

But Presence alone – is your true God-Self

GOD IS – I AM – Now Love abides

Be Here and Now – where nothing hides

Surrender everything of you

God’s Will Be Done – Be One – Be You

God’s Bonfire is this End of Age

All will be cleansed, a brand new page

Eternity is Now our Home, each Day

So Be Here Now – Just See – The Play.