Two pure white swans
glide by in Grace
Both whiter than
the whitest lace~
He, regal in paternal bearing
She sublime, maternal, caring
His name is “Hum” proclaims existence
And she is “Sa” yielding acceptance
And in their balance they do form
Discrimination and the norm
Their presence here a blessing real
For in that essence we can feel
The hand of She evolved us all
The One restored us from the fall
To that State white, as whitest lace
Wherein we all dissolve in Grace
Not long after my arrival in London, for the first time in several years, arrived two most beautiful swans who settled on our pond and who were often seen under the willow. Of perfect form and grace, archetypal, they captured our attention immediately, so the yogis called them Hum and Sa.
Such moments were easy to enter when living in the Heart of the Heart.