Shri Mataji in my experience has a unique capacity to help you into the higher states of Kundalini Yoga and facilitate your spiritual maturity and Ascent over time. It is of primary importance that you recognise the quality of your experience with Shri Mother’s photo, because that recognition naturally results in a deep respect and gratitude for your Kundalini awakening. Every established Sahaja Yogi has the experience of strong personal links with Shri Mataji through Her picture. The personal Ascent may be facilitated by being with other practising Sahaja Yogis in a collective way. However each of us has a unique personal recognition and relationship with Her that begins with understanding that if you pay attention to Her in your meditation, She will support and guide you in your spiritual Ascent. A great blessing.
Shri Mataji is recognised by your simple attention as a great spiritual purifier and amplifier. The simplest, most intimate and powerful practise, or experiment, if you are new to Her, is to utilise Shri Mataji’s photo to focus on. Both printed or digital versions work well. High resolution print if possible is best in a nice frame. You will find that a careful, respectful and attentive wiping with a moist clean cloth, and use of a lighted candle or oil lamp, always elicits the cool Chaitanya flow of Divine vibrations, and facilitates a deeper, stronger, and higher Yoga connection, up the spine and into the crown and higher. Also once you do recognise Her influence on your life and meditation, you might like to offer a flower and incense, as this is the simple practice of Puja, to further establish your Connection and experience with the Holy Spirit and Self-realisation. Experiment so that you recognise the greatness of Shri Mataji and you will want to enter into the higher states of Samadhi that your pure desire and your Kundalini have always wished for you.
Comprehensive INFO about SHRI MATAJI See. ShrMataji.ORG HERE