Touching the Transcendent. April 2023
We must cross the nine chakras to touch the transcendent
The existential Truth that ‘All is One and One is All’ becomes reality for you if one has transcended the mind and ego of me, and has raised the Kundalini to the Sahasrara and up through the ArdaBindu of AdiShakti, and through the Bindu point of SadaShiva. And up to the Valaya level of ‘Non-dual’ Source ParaBrahma.
In my understanding this Valaya is the area of preparation, pre-distillation or condensation where the Nothing or Non-Being experiences that first idea or impulse for something, and the preparation for the Big Bang is made, the initial Impulse is Sourced. When the Kundalini is raised and the subtle body is integrated and purified the attention can rise all the way to Valaya, the 10th level of Para Brahma. This 10th level of Para Brahma can be reached up to, by feeling the Param Chaitanya rising to full arm’s length high above the head: but this super higher is super-subtle.
The Superconscious subtlety of this level does not involve tangible cognition or interaction in our experience, only the subtle body clearing and raising of the Kundalini and attention so high is required. Valaya, the unmanifest, is simply the Source of IS’ness. Yet when our attention is raised to this 10th level we feel the Kundalini, our power of pure desire, has cleared and integrated attention all the way up. That which is Nothing, then blesses with the descent of Grace and Power, and new levels of auspiciousness and support.
You will feel this movement if you are lucky, as the Descent down through the Sushumna, through the Brahma Nad, where it touches the top of the Void area. This is the Grace descending, the truth that God IS. Also we may realise its ultimate Truth because the blessings that come from this Absolute transcendent area are quickly manifest in the relative world. These blessings are auspiciously pleasing to your God-Self because they are from the Transcendent God-Self. They are manifest as Truth Beauty and Awareness and other auspicious blessings and indications, and so fulfil your purist desire, which is to Know your true Self. Your true God-Self. To be One with God.
The realisation of this Reality is so super that it overcomes and dissolves the Maya of Separation, the idea of a separate ME. A ME of Mind and Ego, of an individual, that is in truth only a momentary manifestation, a refraction and a reflection, of the undivided transcendent Universal Light of God. Verily you are That Universal Light as an individual unique Hue, of Divine Source Consciousness.
Stop your Light of consciousness for a minute in Silence and Stillness, and Realise you are Nothing, but That Universal Self, that declares of its Self “I Am That I Am.”
God the Transcendent desires to see and recognise its Self in an apparent ‘otherness’. MahaMaya, the Tri Gunas of Adi Shakti, Plays a Game of Infinite Re-Creation. Of generating an infinite array of sentient beings, in apparent separation, that are seeking their God-Self or Spirit, so that God can enjoy His/Her own God-Self in infinite Beauty and Joy, with/in dazzling arrays of infinite and universal refraction and reflection and recreation.
Each of us is a unique version of the Universal template. Made not only in the Image of the Creation but in the substance of the Creator, pure Universal Consciousness. Drop your misidentification with your temporary, temporal sense of individual ME identity and rest in the Blissful Awareness of your eternal Spirit, your God-Self.